First glow at the rim of the canyon.
Click on the pictures for a larger image!
Over the rim - closer to the intricate formations.
The closer you get, the grander the towers become.
James 4 gives the key to effective Christian living: get closer to God!
4:8 "Come near to God and He will come near to you"
Don't just stand on the "rim" - draw near, get on the trail, and into the
Lecture 28 application questions:
I. The Untamable Tongue:
What would happen if you held your tongue at least once this week? What fires has your tongue set?
What fires have been controlled or put out by your words? Which type of wisdom (heavenly or worldly) characterizes you?
II. Warning on Worldliness:
What do your words and actions show: pride or humility? Where need to humbly submit: to God? A Christian leader? Family? Work supervisor?
Will you pray this week for God to show you areas where submission and humility is lacking? Then ask His help for change?
III. Powerful Prayer:
In the past 24 hours, how often have you been in prayer? What have you prayed for? When did you last pray with other believers or interceded for someone?
What will you do to better follow James' instructions on prayer?
What sections of James 3-5 did you find most challenging or convicting? Be honest!
Then draw near,
get over the rim,
go close,
get deep.
Then effectively live for God,
prayerfully persevere in faith,
and wisely watch words and deeds.
I love these beautiful pictures and challenging thoughts/questions from James!